In today’s world, when a deal goes sour, a lawsuit yields an adverse result, or a business suffers, parties often search for someone to blame. Frequently, the blame lands on the professionals who provided services in the deal, even when they have done nothing wrong. Our firm regularly defends such professionals, including:

  • Attorneys
  • Accountants and auditors
  • Securities brokers
  • Engineers
  • Architects
  • Consultants

As professionals ourselves, we recognize that these claims, even when they have no merit, can severely disrupt the professional’s business and threaten that professional’s reputation and future. Our attorneys have decades of experience representing professionals and are committed to protecting our clients’ interests. We consider it a privilege to defend our fellow professionals against such claims.

We defend national and local law firms and attorneys in proceedings in state and federal court and before arbitration panels. We handle claims for:

  • Malpractice
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Breach of contract
  • Fraud
  • Aiding and abetting fraud and breach of fiduciary duty
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Abuse of process
  • Negligent and fraudulent misrepresentation
  • RICO matters
  • Securities law violations
  • Fraudulent conveyances under state law and Bankruptcy Code

We also represent clients in connection with a variety of motions involving attorneys, such as motions for sanctions and contested motions to withdraw. In addition, we represent attorneys accused of misconduct before The Florida Bar.

We provide counseling to lawyers and  law firms on client issues, ethics and internal matters.

Kenny Nachwalter represents other professionals — including accountants, auditors, securities brokers, engineers, and architects — in response to claims for malpractice or professional negligence, breach of contract, or breach of fiduciary duty. We handle these matters in court and in arbitration, including that before the National Association of Securities Dealers (now FINRA).

Attorneys and other professionals also regularly seek our advice and opinions in preventative and risk management capacities to ensure that these professionals are acting in compliance with the rules governing their professions and their obligations to their clients or third parties. We work closely with our clients to provide thorough advice and help them establish appropriate safeguards and procedures for the future.


Deborah S. Corbishley
Richard H. Critchlow
Jeffrey T. Foreman
Elizabeth Brooks Honkonen
Agustina Kloosterboer
Michael Nachwalter
Lauren C. Ravkind
Stanley H. Wakshlag

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